Netsuke phone charm

23 February 2013 at 11:51 pm (Crafted!) (, , )


When I was driving to the sewing workshop early in this morning, I asked myself if it was going to be worth it. I’ve been feeling excessively tired lately and could have used an extra hour of zzz’s. But I needn’t have worried. It was totally worth it and I met some really nice people, too.

We used chirimen (a type of kimono crepe fabric that’s a little stretchy) to make these netsuke. Really pretty, and although I was late, I still got to choose my favourite colours to work with.

And I learnt a new technique today: how to wrap a piece of fabric around a flat circle (like a button) in 30 seconds (maybe less). I was surprised at how crazy easy it was once I knew how it worked. I’ve got to make a video of it so I don’t forget.

My first attempt (the plum netsuke on the right) was a bit lopsided. Because the circle wasn’t perfect, one petal is larger than the others. It’s also not as plump as my 2nd netsuke (maybe it just needed a bit more batting). If I could get my hands on more chirimen, I might make more since it’s so easy.

Yay for sewing. Sewing satisfaction is the best kind there is!

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